Monday, August 2, 2010

Today’s Rant, Part 3

Monday is always a good day for a rant. The weekend is over. And now all we have to look forward to, is five days of getting up early and going to work. Hopefully, I’m not being too depressing, But, after all, this is a rant. Perhaps, you can relate to what I’m about to say. Whether you’re in business or in ministry or just working a job, some days you just wonder what’s the point. You know what I’m talking about.

Am I making a difference? If I stop what I’m doing, would anyone really notice? Does anybody care? Frankly, there are days when I write this blog that I wonder if anyone is really reading it. It’s a lot of work. Is there a purpose? Maybe it would be better if I just stayed in bed.

I think it’s just part of the human condition. At some point, I think we all go through this process of self-doubt and discouragement. But the first step to recovery is admitting how you feel. No point keeping it in. So here we go. Yes, there are days when I truly wonder—What’s the point? Where are my supporters? Where are my donors? Why can’t I get someone to return my telephone calls. Why can’t I get someone to proof my new book? Hey, I’m just being honest.

I know God’s in control, and he has a plan for my life. I’m sure you realize that for your life as well. But sometimes we forget this. And, of course, it hasn’t helped loosing a ministry. It’s also depressing that I have a friend who is also suffering from a loss of his job at the ministry. He doesn’t have money to even pay his electric bill. How do you live without that?

I know it’s a sad story. But after all, it is a rant. I realize there are people who care about me and Media Missionary School. I know they are out there. But when you have bad days, days of doubt, you just have to hold on firm to God’s promises. If God’s called you to do something, you stand determined and prepared to do whatever is required.

Here’s the key about today’s rant. Don’t base your decisions on your emotions or how you feel on any given day. (In fact, never make an important decision on one of those days.) If I did that, I would have given up a long time ago. Believe me, there are easier things to do in life than ministry, especially a media ministry. You must base your decisions on a choice. A choice to follow God. A choice not to base what you think you see on numbers but on what God is doing, which may not look successful in the eyes of man. So I hope this has been helpful for both you and me. Remember, the best thing to do is to talk to somebody about how you feel. That’s why I’m talking to you. There’s no point in burying it. God can work with that and use it.

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