Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Simplifying the Message

Recently, Media Missionary School acquired new space to launch our new media training center. Although there’s much work to be done, we have taken the first steps to make this dream become a reality. A friend of mine offered some advice. He said we had all of the right ingredients. But we needed to simplify the message, clarify our value propositions, and define our revenue streams. In all honesty, it’s good advice. 

Perhaps, our message has been a bit complex. In the simplest terms, here’s what we’re trying to communicate here at Media Missionary School. In order to redeem culture and change the direction of our society, we must develop media missionaries so that we can inject Biblical principles into mainstream media and entertainment.

First, as Christ’s followers, I think we can all agree that our culture is in sad shape. The second part of our message is the action part, which requires the development of media missionaries as the solution. The third part of our message is our primary mission which is reseeding culture with a Biblical message that fulfills our vision—to change the course of our society.

Next are our value propositions. In other words, what do we bring to the game? Is there anything special that we offer? Do we offer real value? First, we have created an original and innovative educational and training program for the development of visual storytellers for global outreach. Second, we provide specialized training to equip media missionaries who will learn how to live a missional lifestyle. Third, we produce cost-effective feature films that allow our students a hands-on and real world experience.

Do I think we offer value? Absolutely. Because it all ties back to our central message. The solution to redeeming culture is to raise up, equip, train and support media missionaries. Our value propositions make that a reality.

Finally, what are our revenue streams? Can our ministry sustain itself for the long haul? I’m convinced our prospects are excellent. The bulk of our income would come from tuition and the work we do as a production house. Our feature films could also provide additional income. I believe that for Media Missionary School to be successful, we must build a model that does not rely on donor support. We want to be able to stand on our own two feet and pay our bills.

However, for that to happen in the short run, we will need to rely on donor support. That’s why we need your help. Because we are an innovative and, in some ways, a start-up ministry, the odds of receiving major donor and foundation support may be limited. We believe small donors can make up the difference and help to launch Media Missionary School. We’re counting on small gifts of $20, $50 or $100. The reality is if enough people believe in this ministry, we will get this new media training center up and running.

Consider making a donation today. Because we are a 501c3 nonprofit corporation, all donations tax deductible.

Thank you and God Bless.

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